We have all been there- ate chips and guac, tacos…had a few too many margaritas, and finished it off with a cheesecake dripping in blueberry sauce. I don’t know about you but last taco Tuesday, I woke up looking like the puffer fish in finding Nemo - not a cute look. Even after washing my face and applying my skincare, I did not look anything like myself. Bloated and puffy, my dark under eyes broadcasted the story of the night before. I have so many tools and skincare that promise to make me look chiseled like Angelina Jolie… and I have been down the rabbit hole quite a few times. Instagram even targets ads at me specifically for bloating, that’s when you know you really have a problem! So I have a routine to restore me to sanity.
Read moreA Complete Guide to Exfoliation after Sugaring
So you decided to start sugaring! Congratulations, you did it! Your skin is smooth and slippery. Now you are engaged in a process. Remember - the goal here is smooth beautiful glowing skin, and the skin is an organ that needs to be looked after. Sugaring is a process, not a one-time event. You can’t go to the gym once a month and expect an amazing body, or get a facial every 4 weeks and expect perfect skin without any aftercare. One of the best ways that we can take care of our skin is to exfoliate!
Read moreThe Hair Growth Cycle- from a professional waxer's perspective
If I had a nickel for the amount of times per day I say “hair growth cycle” well, I would have a lot of nickels. As a licensed esthetician who specializes in sugaring and hair removal, the hair growth cycle is one of my favorite topics. Educating our clients on this process helps them to stay consistent and achieve even better results.
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